Wowwwww what a weeeeek!! Okay here are the highlights . . .
Wednesday was like one of the coolest days ever. I had MoBat in the morning and it was slower. On my second tour Sister Day came and got me out of outfitting and said she needed me for a second and I came out and guess who was there!?!? Meg, Spence, Noah, Gaby, Benson, Makai, and Charlie!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh. Haha, I was sooo super duper surprised and it was a great surprise! I was SO happy :) I gave them all huge hugs and loves and I was like shaking, haha. All the kids are getting so big! Especially Charlie!! I loved being able to hold him :) I miss holding babies! Sister Pagel and I took them on tour and it was so fun! I am glad they got to see me in my element, haha. I hope you liked the tour Meg & Spence! We panned for gold and chatted for a bit and then I had to go . . . It went by sooo soo fast! But it was amazing to see them! They brought me some presents :) thank you thank you! We said goodbyes and gave hugs. I was so incredibly happy! Thanks for stopping by!! After MoBat we had an appointment with Tanya. We finally got to see her again! We taught the restoration and how she can pray to know for herself all the things her parents have learned for themselves. We invited her to be baptized on February 2 and she said yes!! She is really shy though so she doesn't want to come to the YSA ward :/ but we are going to try to get people at her lessons so she will feel more comfortable. After we met with Stanley, a less active. He was in much higher spirits today! We talked to him about making a thankful journal so he could see all that God has blessed him with. Next we had an appointment with David, our new investigator from Hong Kong. He is so wonderful! He came with questions he had from his BofM reading and they were good questions! We taught him the first half of the plan of salvation and invited him to be baptized on February 9 and he said yes!!!! After he was like, "So how do I prepare for my baptism?" Oh my goodness he is so humble and prepared! And in his closing prayer he thanked Heavenly Father for the opportunity he has to be baptized. Next we had dinner with a member and then a lesson with Hugh. It was a day full of miracles and feeling God's love abundantly!! I am so grateful to be a missionary :)
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Spencer & Meg and family visiting Cassie at the Mormon Battalion Visitors Center |
Thursday we weekly planned and had district meeting. MoBat was good! I took this adorable family on tour and found out that they adopted their 2 sons and they were in San Diego because they are getting sealed on Saturday. So cool!
Friday I felt a lot of weight on my shoulders with this whole trio situation . . . just because I seem to be the middle person and I am not sure how to fix that. I think the Seegmillers could tell because they asked me to come talk with them and we had such a great talk! After Elder Seegmiller gave me a blessing and it just made me so deeply grateful for the priesthood and for the fact that God knows the details of our lives and has other people be answers to our prayers. MoBat was great. We had a lesson with a less-active named Tanner after. He says he has a desire to come back, but that it's going to be really hard for him because he's been one for about 10 years. We committed him to pray and read from the Book of Mormon. We had dinner with some members which was great and then we had another lesson with David. Ah, he's so solid! At the beginning of the lesson he was like I need to talk to you about my baptism . . . and we were kind of like uh-oh . . . but then he went on to tell us how he's been talking to his friend in Georgia who is also seeing missionaries and they were discussing why they want to get baptized and if they were really doing it for themselves of if they were doing it for the missionaries and he said he's come to find out in his heart that he wnats to get baptized!!! And then he was like, "Will you ask me the question again??" So we said, "David, will you follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized by someone holding the proper authority of God?" and he just got this HUGE smile on his face and said YES!!! It was awesome.
Saturday we had the temple from 10-3. It was busy!! Lots of weddings. I got to see the family who I took on tour who got sealed. We got some solid referrals today of people who had just been driving by and saw the amazing building and wanted to learn more! After we had a lesson with Patrick, a less-active. It went well! He said he really wants to come back to church. Next we had a lesson with Tanya and we taught the plan of salvation. Cailtin came and we noticed that Tanya was a lot quieter because of it, but she seemed to like Caitlin. We also found out that she will be gone February 2 so we moved her date to February 9. She said she is going to surprise her parents (because they are members) and tell them like 2 days before, so sweet! We stopped by Cliffords after and he wasn't home, but Hanifa and Bright were there (they are all from Ghana). We ended up teaching Hanifa and Bright the plan of salvation and then right when we were wrapping up Clifford, Pizaro, and Andrew all showed up and wanted a run down of what we talked about so we taught them and then commited them all and got a return appointment which means we added 4 new investigators! And now we are teaching 5 out of the 7 roommates. Miracle! They are all so passionate about Jesus Christ and God.
Sunday we had stake conference which was focused on the basic principles of the gospel, so it was great! David came and our ward was very welcoming to him. We had a lesson with Emerald after and then with Wilson and then we finished weekly planning. We had MoBat and it was pretty busy tonight! Sister Pagel & I took this lady on tour named Bethie. First of all, she FREAKED when the pictures started talking . . . Like I have never seen people react that way and it even scared me! Hahaha, it was so funny! But poor lady was kinda freaked out the whole rest of the tour. It was just her on the tour and she wouldn't even sit down because she was scared something was going to pop out of somewhere. At the end though she started asking all these questions about mormons and said she came here because she wanted to learn more. She had Mormon friends in high school and they took her to seminary and church and she always liked the way she felt. She said that in the campfire room when Zemira is singing the last verse of "How Firm a Foundation" that it really touched her heart. We had her watch God's Plan and then I asked Sister Riggs to sing for her. It was beautiful and she said she had such a wonderful experience and just wanted to learn more! She is going to get baptized some day. It was a sweet experience.
Monday MoBat was pretty busy with the holiday. After we had a lesson with David and found out he is only 18!! We for sure thought he was like mid 20s. He's super mature. He also told us how he wants to serve a mission!!! What the what?? Haha it was SO cool! He is unreal. We taught him the gospel of Jesus Christ. He had really great questions from his reading again. We had a member named Tyler there and he was able to help out with a lot of the questions which was awesome. After Keri took us out to dinner at Soup Plantation. I love that place! It was delicious. She brought her roommate who is slowly warming up to us :) Also I have gotten a fun cough/cold. Sis Pagel has it too. Hopefully it won't last long.
Today we are going bowling!! I am so excited :) This week I was reminded that God knows us each individually, also that He loves us each SO much. So whenever you feel alone or are going through a hard time, remember that the Savior knows EXACTLY what you are going through and that Heavenly Father loves you. Talk to HIM. It's one of the greatest tools we have :)
I love you all so much!!
Sister Cassie Chea Rasmussen
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